Artist's Statement
I was introduced to horror and suspense at a very young age. My mother was a voracious reader, who fancied Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Edgar Allen Poe and Richard Matheson. Through her I discovered the pulp-noir of Suspense, Escape, Lights Out, the campy shock of EC horror comics and all manner of things that go bump in the night. I loved it and I hated it and I passed many nights hiding under my covers, certain that there was something looking in my window, stalking me.
I spent most of my childhood living under the specter of death. It's a byproduct of growing up around hospitals. By the time I was six, I understood that life was finite. It was a terrifying realization.
Horror to me is not about the monsters you can see but the ones you can't. It's the thing lurking in your closet or under your car waiting for you. Horror is the personification of death. The inevitable beast that's constantly stalking you, no matter how fast you run or how well you hide.
DarkRooms is my way of exploring the eerie places in the world. It's a chance to hide under my covers again, to remind myself that there is something looking in my window. It's me taking my six-year-old self by the hand and saying "Okay, let's do this together."
It's making the monsters work for me.
So, come with me. And whatever you do, don't turn around. Because you know what's behind you, don't you?